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How we solve complex problems with Design Thinking

Empathise, define, ideate, prototype, test
Vyoma Paritosh Patel
UX/UI Designer

Design Thinking is one of the most creative methods for solving complex problems.

As companies evolve, especially the big and established players, they run the risk of losing focus on their end users. They may end up having great technology but with no one using it. What is the point of innovation if it is unusable?  

Design Thinking enables companies to stay focused on the human problem through a five-step process. The process is used to gain a deeper understanding of problems and solve them iteratively. Design Thinking helps innovation because not only does it inspire creative solutions but it is also low risk and creates a collaborative environment.

The process is made up of five steps, according to Stanford's Hasso Plattner Institute of Design.

The process of the design thinking

At Movingdots, we use Design Thinking to ensure our solutions solve real human problems. You can find more information below on some of the things we do at each step of the process.

1. Empathise
This step is to understand user problems, typically through research and data.

At Movingdots, we do this through careful analysis of user behaviour. We carry out our own research through surveys and talking to end users. We also have close relationships with our clients, who help us better understand their customers.

2. Define

This step is used to transform the findings of the previous step into user needs + problems.

At Movingdots, we do this through a number of processes. User stories are one way we connect the human and the problem. For example, as a driver, I want to know exactly what I can do to improve my driving so that I can be safe. User stories should highlight the problem without offering a solution. The solution is what we can figure out iteratively together as a team.

3. Ideate

This step is used to propose solutions for the defined problems.

At Movingdots, we have a vast pool of skill and talent. Instead of using a team of just two or three people, we try and include colleagues from all different skill sets: Sales, Development, Data Analytics, QA and more. Each person brings their own perspective to the table. This kind of collaboration helps us derive creative solutions. We especially love getting the client involved at this stage.

4. Prototype

At this step, the solutions are prototyped in order to be tested.

We use Figma to design prototypes for our potential solutions. We work with a design system, so prototyping solutions is quick and easy.

5. Test

This stage tests whether the proposed solution solves the original problem (ideally with real users).

At Movingdots, we work with our clients to find real users or we use the UserTesting tool. We are prepared to completely pivot away from the proposed solution if the tests show that the problem is not being solved. The entire team has been on board during the whole process, so everyone understands why this may happen.

Design Thinking helps us find the right solutions for our clients by putting their end user at the centre of our processes. And it also helps us do this quickly!

Contact us if you want to find out how we can help your business with our innovative Telematics solutions.

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